Saturday, August 27, 2005

I need to air some things

I really need to vent and get things out. First off, I have been ill. Constant headaches are apart of my life right now. I have one everyday. My dr gave me stuff for dizziness, and two different headache medicines. I am so tired too! I would love to just get better and not be tired all the time!
The biggest thing on my mind again is that we are entertaining the thought of buying a house again. At first, we weren't going to do it because we didn't want to reenlist JUST for buying a house here. We were going to wait. This way he would get much more money. Well, to get extended to where he wants to be, he has to reenlist anyway. We were thinking of buying the house now, again. Buying the house is not the reason we are reenlisting now. This time, it would be because we want to.
I went over finances last night and found out it would cost us about $130 more to live in a brand new house over this falling apart mess. Plus, we could make some money off of it all in the end. Mind you that number goes up and down, depending on the season. I really went overboard on the numbers so more likely than not, the number will be even lower.
We also went over the pros and cons of both. The pros way outweighed the cons. I just don't want to rush into it all. I really think there is a reason God had us wait a bit. We will just have to wait and see how it all goes!

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