Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ode to my kidney stones

Yes, I have been battling kidney stones since THURSDAY. It started around noon. I took some Tylenol with Codeine and slept. They hit later that night again. Of course, dh had duty. Isn't that how it always happens? I was in total, utter pain. I was throwing up so I didn't take more meds. Once off if work, we went in to the ER. I was given something I am too doped up to remember what it was with some no puke medicine. Morphine, my bad. I am on Lor-tab right now. Last night, we went to the neighbors and played Texas hold em. They got a big kick out of my giggle fits and total lack of expression or comprehension of anything. I did win a lot at least! Well, I am hoping this passes soon. I have to be off of it to drive and do my everyday stuff. I hurt too much to do anything around here. WATER~WATER~WATER~WATER~WATER~WATER~

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