Friday, March 02, 2007

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Yes, one more thing to complain about! LOL No, for real, it is down right painful sometimes. It has been nagging me for a while now. It had gotten so bad that I just couldn't move my hand. Sometimes at night, my left hand would do that at night. I had my routine appointment this week and they gave me two wrist splints. I wear them both at night and I wear the right one all the time. The thing is, I am left handed. I don't get how my right is worse than my left. I did suffer from tendenitis in that wrist in high school for about a year after All State Band camp. We played a total of eight hours a day for a week straight. (Not all at once but still, playing bass clarinet put strain on my wrist. I also ran into a building on my roller blades on campus the last day.) Hey, at least my hips have not been giving me as much trouble as my last pregnancy. ~knock on wood!~

Story telling catches up with you eventually......

My sister, God love her, claimed her and the ultrasound tech saw a pee pee at her first ultrasound. She then told my mom that they say 'little beans' so to speak. Well, after all that story telling....she is having a girl. I am happy she is having a girl! That means that my niece will have a baby sister to buddy up to, especially with how close they are in age. They are also looking at getting the same van that we have, same year so used. That doesn't bother me. It is the fact that they are trying to buy an $18,000 when they are stuggling to pay things as it is. I mean dang! From what she has told me, his car is in his parents name and is still being paid by them. Her car was like $6000 and they still owe $1500 on it. They will use this for the downpayment. I hope that his credit is enough to get it. From what she has told me, he screwed it up before. I just hope they aren't getting their hopes up too high or that they swamp themselves with more bills they can't handle. You would think they would learn from our early marriage mistakes. The only difference: Mike had a steady job that included health insurance. They do not.

Enough b*tching about family: Nida. Well, we have four adults going along with eight girls because why? My pregnancy according to Nida. How f*cking stupid is she? Two meetings ago, (don't remember if I blogged about it so here it is again) She yelled at the girls in my mid sentence. She has not been a participant of our troop for months and has stepped down as a leader. It was totally uncalled for. To top it off, she gave a girl a stern talking to about her heeley shoes. I had already spoke with the girl earlier and we had worked it out. I tried to get the woman's attentiong but she kept on and on with this girl. The poor girl was mortified and upset and you could see it on her face. I had to finally raise my voice because she was so focused on ignoring me. I told her to stop and that I had already spoke with her about the issue. I sent her an email knowing she would not listen to me if I tried to speak with her. I have tried many times to speak with her about other issues and what happens is, she is always right, doesn't let you get a word in and argues everything that comes out of your mouth. Now we have to have her on this sleep over trip when it is totally unnessessary to have her there. Thank GOD she is not going on our March trip! I could not deal with Miss Know it all there. I know how to camp as well as the other parents. I am camp trained and am NOT going into labor anytime soon. ~knock on wood!~ I always have to be induced and are always a week late. I know my body and will not put us in danger over a camp trip! The killer thing is this trips total, food, site, everything is $175. Her first food bill for the same amount of time was $185 and that wasn't even all of the food or the camp site!! Ridiculous! She will not be leading this troop next year if I have anything to do with it! I will not have these girls hurt because of a spitful, mean witch who obviously does not care for their feelings at all. I may be a stuck up b*tch on my blog sometimes and can be very nasty sometimes but this is my diary and my feelings and my vent spot for everything that runs through my head. I treat those girls with the utmost respect and know how to discipline without hurting their feelings. I get down to their level and try to help them grow as much as possible with the program. I want to connect with them and the other adults positively. Plus, a handful of girls don't have the chance to do certain things that Girl Scouts offers them. One of our girls has never been camping! It will be great to show her how fun it can me.

Ok, I am done now. I have to go and get my two middle kids from school. Two cookie booths this weekend, and drs appointment next week, a sleepover at the zoo, and our labor and delivery tour. It will be busy the next two weeks!

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