Wednesday, February 22, 2006

SICK..Duh right?

Yes, we have many sick people in our house. I was Miss Crabby last night. I finally threw in the towel and went to bed at 8. Emma ended up in bed with us at around 12 am. At 3 am, I woke up to her shivering to death. Here she was running a fever. I went down and got the motrin and got the cough meds. On my way down, Emily was coughing up a lung so I gave her meds and then Emma. Emma fought a little so I brought her into my bathroom. She ended up vomiting a little bit of mucus up, took the meds and ended up back to sleep with me. I was in and out of sleep from then on. Oy, I am tired! Ooh!!!! I am going to go make myself a iced caramel mocciatto...MMMMmmmm......

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