Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I am so tired. I really need to invest in TiVo. I am a big prime time TV addict. The Olympics are done so my shows are back. Monday is Medium. Of course it ends at 11pm. I am going to call the cable company today and see how much it is extra.

After watching Oprah's debt thing, I have decided to clear our unnessesary bills. This is my financial goal for 2006: get rid of ALL of our credit cards. Mind you we only have 3. Target:600 Visa:500 Military Star:3,000
The Visa I want to keep. This is our emergency card. You know what is sad? It only has like 60 available. Nice emergency card. Target on the other hand.....We have a lot on it but it is ridiculous to keep it. I can get anything there I want with cash. The Military Star is our biggest card and most expensive. We get uniforms with it plus furniture. We pay up to $120 a month for this, depending on our balance. 80 comes right out of our pay. For this one, we can buy uniforms our of pocket. He has all of his really expensive ones so just new pants, hats, etc here and there. Furniture wise, we are about done. This one will take a while.

Wow, now that I have said them outloud, it isn't as pretty as I thought. It isn't bad as some though. The one thing I don't get is claiming bankruptcy. We know a few people that have. How do you get so out of wack that you have to do this? Shoot, half of the people that do this jump right back into the debt game! You see it on the news all the time. My SIL's inlaws have done it more than once. Come on people!! Become financially liable for what you spend and do! Come on! You budget and stick to it. We have gotten behind many times. Dang, we are military, hello! You do what you have to do. I looked at one of his LES (paystub) from the month I had my oldest....wow, we were getting paid like $400 a month....at least our housing was paid for. We have gotten behind on our house and car but you pinch and get it done. Shoot, and we wonder why half the country is in debt. People are selfish and don't think of the future. Think about it, about yourself: how are you going to support your child(ren)? How will you be able to pay for clothes,especially when they get to jr high and high school, when it matters what you wear? (it really doesn't matter but it does to them) Bigger question: How will you put them through college? How will you live when you are too old to work? Before you buy that purse you want or pop our another child, think of how you will live beyond now and how will you REALLY support that child?

Sorry, I am just a bit irritated this morning. LOL Nonresponsible parents drive me nuts!! Ooh, that reminds me....my son is so loving being the bat boy for the AAU team my husband is and pitching coach for. He wasn't ready for tee ball. Plus, tee ball screws up your hitting. He runs with them, gets all the foul balls and even gets to work the field to get some experience. He helps load up the equipment and stuff. I get he grows a foot after this season!!
I have to go in tomorrow and sign Lizzie up for more riding lessons and Emily signed up for ice skating lessons. Lessons, lessons, lessons......you know though, they love them. They beg me for them. I wish when I was little was able to do some of this stuff. I am so happy that we can provide it for them.

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